Get Involved

Be Part of Something Great
Our power comes through our members and larger community
BOP emphasizes the importance of developing a base of Black leaders who can influence the decisions that most impact our communities. Being a membership-led organization means our members participate in every aspect of the organization. BOP offers real opportunities to build relationships with the people in your community.

Black Organizing Project invests in the development of Black leaders who think critically about the conditions that impact our communities and work to create innovative solutions for change.
Becoming a BOP member is an opportunity to contribute your skills, gifts and talents toward an organization committed to racial, social and economic justice. Our members form a close-knit community where each individual can feel valued, supported, and heard.
The benefits to being a BOP member:
- Belong to a large network of people committed to social justice and building a healthy, powerful Black community
- Access to BOP membership meetings and member-only political education workshops
- Have your story or article published in the BOP newsletter
All BOP members are required to make a monthly contribution to help support and build the organization.
BOP membership dues are as follows:
- General BOP Membership (over 18 years old): $10 per month (or more if able)
- Youth BOP Membership (12-24 years old): $3 per month
- Family BOP Membership (3 or more people in your household are members): TBD
- Baby BOP Membership (0-11 years old with a BOP member relative): FREE
Setting up a recurring credit card payment online is the easiest and most convenient way to keep up with your BOP membership dues.

Membership isn’t for everybody. While BOP prioritizes the development of Black community leaders, we are busy building out our united front and understand we all can play a role in the movement to secure freedom and safety for youth and families. Please fill out the form below so that we can connect with you and share how to get engaged at whatever capacity you can! We look forward to hearing from you.