Falilah Bilal

Position: Deputy Director of People & Programs

Falilah “Aisha” Bilal has worked joyously for over 30 years creating innovative, relevant evidence based strategies to transform, empower and develop individuals, systems, organizations and contemporary thought.

Ms. Bilal’s work is centered in healing practices, empowering youth and families, and self-discovery.  Ms. Bilal specializes in the field of youth development, healing informed organizational development, and strategic fundraising consultation.

Falilah “Aisha” Bilal was raised by parents who are pioneers in the Black Power movement of the 1960s, which instilled within her a foundation dedicated to helping others and a love for all humanity.  At 14 years old, Ms. Bilal participated as a youth leader in healing retreats with the Black Woman’s Health Project, where she was introduced to basic healing techniques, group facilitation skills, and participated as a teen leader guiding inter-generational healing experiences.  Ms. Bilal continued to deepen her skills as a youth leader by participating in numerous youth programs and leadership trainings.  She has established as a leader in field of responses to Gender Base Violence and personal/collective healing.  As a leader in this field, she was invited to present at the United Nation’s Beijing Plus Five World Conference on Women’s Issues.

Currently Ms. Bilal directs her own consulting company where she provides trainings, curriculum development, healing experiences, coaching, and executive leadership to local and national agencies, companies and programs. Previously, Ms. Bilal served as a Senior Trainer with the National Black Women’s Justice Institute and a Radical Healer with Flourish Agenda.  She served as the Executive Director for M.I.S.S.S.E.Y. raising over 2 million dollars in funds to support sexually exploited children and young adults.   She has worked for numerous Bay Area agencies including World Trust, Alameda County Sheriff’s Department, Oakland Bay Area CARES Mentoring Movement, GirlSource, Office of Family, Children and Youth, City of Oakland, and the Young Women’s Freedom Center.

Ms. Bilal holds a M.A. in Counseling Psychology from the California Institute of Integral Studies and a B.A. in Theater Arts and Child Psychology from San Francisco State University.

Ms. Bilal is the mother of 2 children and spends as much time as possible in Mt. Shasta! Ms. Bilal provides innovative, visionary and dynamic leadership! Falilah brings love, skills, passion, expertise and dedication.